
Rachel Lindsay

Emoji and Nikki interview Rachel Lindsay, the cartoonist behind Rachel Lives Here Now in the Seven Days, and discuss her climb to fame. Rachel talks about the inspiration behind her Rachel Lives Here Now comic, The Wizard of Life, and her new graphic novel, Rx. Rachel also shows off her custom game, College Party, and how to convert it into a drinking game.

DJ Llu

Emoji and Nikki interview local DJ and activist, Llu Mulvaney-Stanak and discuss Llu's variety of work in the LGBTQ+ community of Burlington, Vermont. Llu explains the many forms that activism can take and social media's influence on slacktivism.

Tamra Higgins of Sundog Poetry Center

Emoji and Nikki interview the co-president of Sundog Poetry Center, Tamra Higgins and discuss upcoming poetry events across the state of Vermont. Tamra highlights a new program coming in 2018, Poetry and Justice for All, a 9-event series that focuses on a diverse set of identities including women, people of color, Abenaki people, and more.